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Absolute Essential Rosewood Essential Oil (Wild)

Absolute Essential Rosewood Essential Oil (Wild)

Regular price $45.00 Sale


For a natural emotional uplift try the comforting scent of Rosewood Essential Oil to soothe feelings of melancholy and anxiety.

This oil has a unique scent of rose touched with spice. It is grounding and comforting


Rosewood may be useful to support people dealing with feelings of neglect or abandonment. It is an uplifting oil, complementing consciousness and tranquillity, and it has a wonderfully aphrodisiac quality to its aroma.

Colds, skin care and yeast balance are other areas where rosewood oil may have therapeutic value. It has an equalising effect when blended with other essential oils.

Directions for use:

Positive Outlook: This light, warm oil can be used to help create an atmosphere of calm optimism and may be especially useful against sad feelings or anxiety. Women's Health: To support normal balance in the vagina, and to aid recovery from yeast infection, add 1-2 drops of Rosewood oil to a douche and apply daily, as directed by an aromatherapist. Skin Care: Add 3 drops to 50ml Pure Unscented Face Cream to help gently soften skin that has been exposed to harsh conditions. Size: 5ml


Traditional & Historical Information:

The Rosewood is an evergreen tree native to the Amazon rainforest that is reportedly used for medicinal purposes among the native tribes of the Amazon basin. It has been cited as grounding and comforting to the emotions and is considered helpful for establishing mental calm. The evocative woody oil is considered grounding and stimulating and has been used to complement sexual therapies.

Colds, fever and infections are other ailments to be associated with gentle Rosewood. Rosewood oil is a byproduct of furniture production and though no trees were felled directly to produce it, Absolute Essential has decided to disassociate with the industry and discontinue this line when current stock has sold out. Sustainable sources are being developed but with a 40 year old tree needed for oil production this is not an immediate prospect.

Please note: the traditional uses listed here are for reference only and under no circumstances should they be taken as recommendations for cures or treatments for diseases or medical conditions. Therapeutic oils are used to support natural body functions and work in harmony with our body's physiology.


Aniba roseodora, wood, distilled, wild grown, Brazil.

Safety Considerations: This oil is safe if applied as directed. Safe to use with other medication when necessary. If accidentally ingested do not induce vomiting, follow with olive oil or milk and seek advice from a health specialist. Avoid contact with eyes - flush with water. Keep out of reach of children.

Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body process for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as recommendation for cure of any medical condition or disease.


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